Thursday, 23 March 2023






A MIT statistic professor falls in love for a Mozambican blond who as a whim challenges his to change the course of the internal political scenario when he gets agents in the field collecting data which allowed him to keep citizens from voting in the presidential elections ascertaining he could then pick the right president and governmental corpus.



Hawking, a sheer romantic professor ends up in Mozambique during a tourney whilst on his vacation meeting a gothic blond who wishing to see his blood shedding invites him to challenge Frelimo, the political party in power and one of the most corrupt around the world. After getting aware of the sum of people there professor hires a team made up by Derick, the anthropologist who focusing on the roots of such people could grasp their actual situation and the politicians mindset as a result of the diachrony. Erick, the sociologist who synchronically studying the world and its influence on Mozambique preferred starting from a rather macro approach to grasp the real status of the matter confronting such grounds with the micro reality then doing the opposite to grasp whether would the world be just reacting as such due to the Mozambican political positions and actions leading them astray as capitalism would tame their consciousness. And Mitchel, the psychiatrist who grounded on Erick’s studies brought out a theory according to which the fusion of the international and national political outlook, as the potencies even not adopting the same political orientation will always be superior, would allow the Mozambicans to have the right mindset tackling thus politic in a rather different and productive manner. After a brain washing as the result of such efforts professor could get to a level of the citizen’s control that allowed him to force a draw in the presidential elections having thus the power to persuade the Frelimo’s presidential candidate to use his five-years plan who under pressure accepts it allowing professor to date Katherine, his beloved blond. That until Alex, Katherine ex-boyfriend and a Germany special agent wear envy and starts investigating professor’s life and founds out that he is in fact a British politician who was sent to MIT for a while so as to learn controlling his greed since it was jeopardizing the country. After digging deep Alex comes up with a profile and a theory according to which being perfectionist Alex’s plans were a niche to Mozambique the only issue is that on the account of his greed the country would be in his hands after 5 (years) advising thus to stick to it as Alex would help identifying moves which would allow professor to achieve his goals albeit he was out of the country in an island with his blond. When the couple returned to Mozambique after the estimated time professor got arrested right in the airport being then Mozambique one of the most influential potencies worldwide. 



                    By Serano Manjate 


Tuesday, 21 March 2023


 Real love


 It's a world in which everyone has got to embrace one's other side not being allowed to live according to any realistic belief until Elisa falls for a man since she was a hollow nerd. Her little brother, a brilliant mathematician and powerful sorcerer enters the gate saving her soul. 


Summit, all overwhelmed goes out of home to get some fresh air by the river when strangely a Chinese wizard appears all of a sudden granting him a wish. Being a genius Summit wishes but becoming the opposite of what he is when the wizard gives him access to a gate which leads to an illusionary world where merely Summit's other side would prevail on the account of the rules, no essence should be brought up but the opposite must be expressed from the deepest of one's soul. Elisa, Summit's elder sister enters the gate first and fast without even the wizard's consent as Summit was still doing the math and after not that long she falls for a man opposing her hollow nature and it's so genuine that reality becomes but what she could thenceforth perceive. Unable to take her sorrow Summit invokes his inexistence and enters the gate as himself per se having thus a crystalline perception of the events taking place around his sister's fairy-tale as such.



                         By Serano Manjate




Killing my country



A genius who was disappointed by his girlfriend decides to embrace vengeance stopping every single possible and hypothetical movie in the country for 5 (five) minutes forbidding the president to leave the country with the woman who was stolen from him. 



It’s September 27th, 2027 and Erik’s aspect reflects that of one who has been drinking for an eternity listening to music too loud with that weird and freaky look when the sound of the TV grabs his attention, coming up news regarding the order for the citizens not to get out of home and thenceforth all the allowed moves would be only in order to proactively prevent recklessness. What a bad news for a touristic city such as the Mozambican Pemba where in summer the world assaults it due to the touristic attractions even when it’s just 5:00am.


The truth is that in the former day Erick and a team comprised of a retired IT, Thomas, who was working for NASA but not going along with their cause had to give up deciding to use his skills to help those who in love had to part unfairly due to cybernetic reasons, Erick was just lucky. The 15 (firth teen) richest civil engineer, Jonnie, whose father being the majority shareholder of the TECH2DEXTREME, the greatest tech worldwide enterprise, could allow Jonnie to project and build the greatest city on earth then selling it North Korea in response to the world’s opposition alleging the city’s industries project’s to be dangerous. Jonnie lives peacefully for Henry, his best friend and a human behaviorist together with Justin, the brightest Mathematician alive who met Henry in college, could both ensure him that everything would come up roses as the sells was all managed by Dave, a skilled social engineer for whom marketing it’s just a waste of time grounded on the fact that human-beings subconsciousness bend to the effect of outrageous factor’s which are the only factors to be controlled if tackling a potential customer’s mind, a theory which finding a niche in the behaviorist skills would allow them to foresee the future of the city on the account of the chosen residents behaviors. And finally Adira, thinker who is a nymphomaniac and the team-leader, they all gathered to find a way to halt everyone in country ceasing movements in the same time-loaf for at least for 5 minutes thus foreseeing the outcome which having to be tackled by the president would drastically interfere in his agenda not being possible for him to travel the next day on which he had a date at Santorini, Greece, with Erick’s Jennie who was in fact a very grown up Jennifer who was about to experiment the taste of a truly refined wine.

Thomas works on the stats digital data collection whilst Adira leads a network of strippers who formally dressed go to the field and get the rest of data hosted in remote sources whist Jonnie studies the structure of the city as a whole becoming able to find gaps and open new paths for them to achieve the goal at hand as Justin work on such stats analytically figuring out what data would be necessary for Henry to understand both the actual and future behavior of the society having Dave as their contingency plan.




                        By Serano Manjate




The mantle



After gathering a team made up by some judiciously chosen MI6 special agents ignoring the task of the director, the British prime-minister fights against an alleged super-villain who haunts the country at night.



After a long period of financial crisis in England the British prime-minister decides surmounting it imposing England to the world training MI6 special agents who came to believe that were on duty shaped their minds through patriotism taking the orders and tacking the circumstances as though were noble knights entirely loyal to the cause. He used his political influence to get agents working as the right hand of the CEOs of the 100 (hundred) greatest worldwide enterprises then had each of them dead being such right hands a niche for successors hence becoming influential in every single business market that the international community was in his hand. When the queen got aware of such fact wore her secret super hero cover going to the field to fight the crime herself. With his both influence and resources, it didn’t take that long for the prime minister to link the dots and conclude such super hero was the queen giving an immediate order for the MI6 special agents to kill her, a fact that called the attention of a 17 (seventeen) years old genius and south-African mercenary who dragged 7 others setting forth a journey meant to protect the queen right at England relying as well on his secret lover, the British princess who through her IQ above the average found out that Ian, was in fact brought up by her mom albeit clandestinely finding him with her own means before they could fall for each other and now have got a whole war to fight together.      


                    By Serano Manjate


  Title Empty-handed   Logline A MIT statistic professor falls in love for a Mozambican blond who as a whim challenges his to chan...